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“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.”Philippians 4:8-9


When it boils down to it, there are only a handful of things that truly matter in life. Physical and emotional pain, along with real and imagined problems have a way of wearing us down. Jesus knows that humanity walks through innumerable situations and experiences each and every day.

Even though our bodies wear out over time, and we cannot control every ache, pain and disease we encounter, the Lord did include a remedy in His Word to help us handle the challenges and obstacles that come our way.

The times we face a myriad of problems all at once are the time's chaos, depression and fear wants to take over our minds.  Jesus told us that in this life, we would have tribulation. He additionally told us to take heart because He has overcome the world. John 16:33

His words weren’t just wishful thinking to those facing turmoil.  When His physical time on earth had ended, inspired words were given to all through the letters written to the churches in the epistles. 

Permanently pinned on the Bible pages for us whose eyes would fall upon them over many generations to still come, we have words to live by.

Let’s begin to condition our minds today, according to the Word of God.  Let’s take to heart the words written in Philippians 4:8-9.

What did the written list tell God’s people to think about? 
  •         Things that are true. 
  •         Things that are honorable. 
  •         Things that are just.
  •         Things that are pure.
  •         Things that are lovely.
  •         Things that are commendable.
  •         Finally, things that are excellent.
God loves us. He’ll never forsake us. Look at positive things that are part of our lives because of our relationship with Him. He’s surrounded us with honorable people, a righteous way of life that saves us from so much heartache brought on by sin. 

There are so many pure and lovely things the Lord has lined our lives with. So many other things that are commendable and excellent. Taking the time to recognize all of the goodwill adjust our focus from all things bad to many good things.

Jesus knows this life will have trials for each of us. With His Spirit and following His instruction, we are going to be okay! 

Once we’ve done our part to follow the leading of the scripture, the verses continue on to tell us that when we think about these things, the God of peace will be with us.

Borrowing fear and dwelling on the trials steal the available peace we can embrace if we meditate on the positive aspects of our lives.

Have we counted our blessings today?

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