It's Thursday!

I woke up. I have clothes to wear. I have running water. I have food to eat. God is Great. I am thankful.

We don’t have to look too far to realize we have many beautiful blessings in our lives.

This year, we know the negativity has been easy to dwell on. No one is overlooking that 2020 has been a year like no other. None of us are blinding ourselves to the hardships. However, we can rehash the global scenarios over and over again until things finally change but will not be better because of it.

Optimism has a much greater reward!

As we continue to pray for the Lord to heal our world, we cannot forget the good things we still have in our lives. We should also remember to have goals and hopes for the future. An optimistic and thankful heart has physical and spiritual benefits.

Take a look!

· Laughing can increase blood flow and is good for our hearts.

· Optimistic people often experience better health habits.

· Optimists also contribute to a healthier heart and lower blood pressure.

· Gratitude shows God we appreciate what He has done for us.

· Gratitude helps us to appreciate what we have, rather than dwelling on what we don’t have.

· Thankfulness speaks of our Lord and our testimony faithfully throughout the good times and the bad.

Do we need help in remembering, or finding the blessings we have in our lives right now?

· We woke up with breath in our bodies, the new mercies of God for this day, and the opportunity to touch the life of another human being. We have this day to hope, dream and pray about our purposes, goals, callings, and victories.

· We have another opportunity to reach out to estranged family members, friends who are struggling with isolation and depression. And additionally, the stranger on the street needs a kind word.

· We’ve been given this day to deepen our walk with God, to pray for greater understanding of His ways, and to show our appreciation for all that He has done in our lives.

· We’ve been given the gift of time. Time to spend with our families. Time to encourage them, love them, and help with their present needs.

For those who continue to struggle with finding good things to dwell on during this uncertain time, we understand.

Let us encourage you in ways that may help!

· Don’t forget prayer and Bible reading. Our miraculous Savior is still performing marvelous things in our midst! Let the Word encourage you. Ask the Lord for the peace that only He can give. Ask Him to give you a fresh vision of the months to come.

· Find ways to take your mind off of current events that feed fear and despair. Read uplifting books. Write some original and beautiful poetry. Find online videos that will teach you a new craft or hobby!

· Get outdoors if possible. Let the sounds of nature soothe your heart and clear your mind. Meditate on the one who created the surrounding beauty.

· Challenge yourself to learn a new language or how to play an instrument. Both of these will fill time, bring personal growth, and boost your self-esteem.

· Call a friend whose encouragement has lasting effects.

Friends, as all of us anticipate the coming year, it is our hope that everyone can find many things to be thankful for, as there are little and great blessings all around, the greatest of those being the Savior who loves us immensely. 

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